Monday, November 9, 2009

And here we are again

First, the good news: Kaesea did not vomit today. Also, his Fluffiness Factor was slightly higher, which is always appreciated. Still not really great, but at least he doesn't look like a drowned rat. And, finally, he did eat a little (versus basically nothing at all yesterday).

Now, the not-so-good news: Even though he ate a little, it really wasn't much at all. This feels like we have returned to the months and months that we went on cajoling him to eat, trying different foods, cooking for him, etc. He's been eating so great for the past few weeks, I had almost forgotten how exhausting this game is (almost, but not really -- I've been so grateful that we weren't doing that anymore). I am hoping that he springs back from this a bit faster this time.

Aaand... even though he did not vomit today, [quick sidenote warning here: you are reading a blog about a sick cat. So, um, yeah. Sometimes there is gross biological talk. Sorry.] he did have some rather serious diarrhea tonight, which is pretty disheartening. I am hoping that marks the end of the I-don't-feel-good saga and not the beginning of some sort of guts-falling-out nightmare.

I am trying, trying, trying to stay optimistic -- once the antibiotics really kick in and get that white blood cell count back up, Kaesea will get back on track, right? But it's hard. It's hard to go backwards after all of the progress he has made. Damn it.

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