Thursday, August 27, 2009


Bill was at home earlier with Kaesea and I asked him, "How is Kaesea?" and he said, "Kind of glum." "Glum" is a perfect word to describe Kaesea's attitude right after chemo. So maybe we need to add a Glum Index to the Fluffiness Factor.

Or not.

Basically, he's just kind of glum. We tried giving him some anti-nausea medication this morning, thinking perhaps it would help with the eating. He's eaten pretty well today, so perhaps it has. But I think it is just going to take him a few days to shake off the glum, just like it did last week.

Next week is his 4th week of treatment. It's the final week in the initial 4 week plan, and then we go to every 3 weeks. I'm nervous about next week, as he gets hit with two different kinds of chemo, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Although the days of glum seem long, basically it was Thurs-Sat of last week that we had Glumness. And even through the glum, he still plays with toys, jumps up on furniture, purrs, head butts, and tries to get into the basement. So it's not all glum. Just kind of glum.

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